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SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics

Table of Contents
Volume 68, Issue 2, pp. 311-597

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Inverse Scattering in Multimode Structures

Ole Henrik Waagaard and Johannes Skaar

pp. 311-333

Filtered Backprojection Inversion of the Cone Beam Transform for a General Class of Curves

Alexander Katsevich and Mikhail Kapralov

pp. 334-353

Exploiting History-Dependent Effects to Infer Network Connectivity

Duane Q. Nykamp

pp. 354-391

Inversion of Spherical Means and the Wave Equation in Even Dimensions

David Finch, Markus Haltmeier, and Rakesh

pp. 392-412

A Hybrid Lagrangian Model Based on the Aw–Rascle Traffic Flow Model

S. Moutari and M. Rascle

pp. 413-436

Restoration of Color Images by Vector Valued BV Functions and Variational Calculus

Massimo Fornasier and Riccardo March

pp. 437-460

Asymmetric Creeping Motion of a Rigid Spindle-Shaped Body in a Viscous Fluid

M. Zabarankin

pp. 461-485

On the Existence of Small Periodic Solutions for the 2-Dimensional Inverted Pendulum on a Cart

Luca Consolini and Mario Tosques

pp. 486-502

Dynamics of Stoichiometric Bacteria-Algae Interactions in the Epilimnion

Hao Wang, Hal L. Smith, Yang Kuang, and James J. Elser

pp. 503-522

A Diffusion Analysis Approach to TE Mode Propagation in Randomly Perturbed Optical Waveguides

Emmanuel Perrey-Debain and I. David Abrahams

pp. 523-543

The Generalized Riemann Problem for a Scalar Nonconvex Chapman–Jouguet Combustion Model

Wancheng Sheng, Meina Sun, and Tong Zhang

pp. 544-561

Admissibility of a Wide Cluster Solution in “Anisotropic” Higher-Order Traffic Flow Models

Rui-Yue Xu, Peng Zhang, Shi-Qiang Dai, and S. C. Wong

pp. 562-573

Fast Tomographic Reconstruction via Rotation-Based Hierarchical Backprojection

Ashvin George and Yoram Bresler

pp. 574-597